這個月的題目是「RANT NIGHT」!
我們都愛Objective-C, Swift, iOS和Xcode,但真iOS工程師都會碰到Apple的一些比較亂的地方。有時候是一個難懂UI framework Apple沒有解釋好,有時候Xcode笨笨沒有了解你寫什麼東西,不讓你compile。我們都有經驗過東西很值得抱怨!
這月的主持人: Kevin Wolkober
Hey there grumpypants!
This month's theme is RANT NIGHT. As much as we all love Objective-C, iOS, and Xcode, being an iOS dev in the real world means bumping up against some rough edges now and then.
Whether it's weird undocumented behavior that has you tearing your hair out for a few hours, or a glaring omission in a framework that makes you wish there was a better way, we've all come across things that are worth a rant.
If you would like to rant, please write in the comments. Thanks!
Many thanks to CardinalBlue for providing the space. the address is at:
感謝 Cardinal Blue 提供贊助活動空間及飲料,聚會地址在: